The “FAPCCI Industrial Job Fair 2011” is open to all technical , administrative and marketing jobs of all industries, companies and organizations, such as
- Agriculture, Agro Products & Pesticides Industries
- Automobile & Spare Parts Industry
- Bakery, Confectioneries & Hotel Industry
- Banking & Chit funds
- Cement & Asbestos Industry
- Cotton & Textile Industries
- Dairy & Dairy products Industry
- IT, Electronics & Electricals
- Furniture & Infrastructure Industry
- Jute and Handicrafts
- Poultry and Hatcheries
- Gem and Jewellery Industry
- Tiles, Ceramics, Granite and Mining Industry
- Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
- Tourism Industry
- Mines and Minerals
- Leather Industry
- Liquor Industry
- Paints and Plastic Industry
- Petroleum Industry
- Power and Solar Industry
- Iron, Steel and Rubber Industry